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The Business Politics BEP Tech (Sazara R. Johnson) Accepts Invitation to Publish with Global "Textbo


Updated: Sep 24, 2022

WILEY SET TO PUBLISH "Maneuvering Games of Business Politics with Design Thinking"

During a business innovation and transformation symposium sponsored in part by the US Coast Guard in Norfolk, Virginia, Sazara R. Johnson also known as "The Business Politics BEP Tech" conducted a workshop session entitled Maneuvering Games of Politics with Design Thinking for executives, decision makers, leaders, influential specialists, and managers of large and small businesses.

As a result of the workshop, Johnson was invited to professionally publish in the industry refereed journal Performance Improvement whose publisher is the global scholarly publishing company John C. Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Wiley).

Dr. Peter Honebein (Editor-in-Chief) of the Performance Improvement (PI) journal stated, “The National ISPI President Scott Casad felt that [Sazara’s] presentation, Maneuvering Games of Politics with Design Thinking, would make a great article for the Performance Improvement journal.”

It is an honor to be recommended by Casad since he, a military official, also serves as a strategic director and division chief for the U.S. Coast Guard's training division. According to his LinkedIn profile, Casad leads a personnel of 500 people and oversees advanced training for more than 20,000 military personnel annually.


It is official. As of 29 March 2018, Sazara R. Johnson's manuscript was accepted and forwarded to Wiley for final publication.

Authoring the work called Maneuvering Games of Business Politics with Design Thinking, Sazara R. Johnson includes appearances by:

  • Norfolk State University's provost administrator Dr. Sasha Johnson-Coleman

  • NYC Chief Technology Officer Rodney James of cyber-security firm, Layer 7 Data Solutions

  • The George Washington University's academic director of educational technology leadership, Dr. Natalie Milman

  • San Diego's agile and leadership expert in many global technology program implementations, John Eisenschmidt.


Part of Johnson's manuscript for Volume: 57 Issue: 8 discusses the importance of keeping brainstorming conversations confidential during a risky program implementation, such as high-risk technology implementations. Though this should be intuitive for many vendors, it is not.

After working with customers and other associated stakeholders for many months or even years, vendors may become very comfortable with working alongside them.

Johnson states that:


To survive games of politics during the brainstorming stage of solving high-risk customer operational and business entity crises, vendors must treat their conversations as if they are on a reality show. They must communicate as if they expect to be secretly or conspicuously digitally recorded.

Additionally, vendors must follow a code of honor among direct internal team members during brainstorming sessions for in-demand customer solutions. They need to be able to speak candidly to each other while not:

  • violating internal team member trust

  • leaking potential solutions to customers before the final idea has been made official

  • communicating brainstorms to a customer in a manner that causes the customer to assume the idea will be contractually implemented.

Sometimes, customers under a lot of pressure to solve a crisis hear a vendor team mention brainstormed ideas during planned meetings, workshops, or informal meetings. Then, these customers -- who may or may not be cordial colleagues of the vendor and who are stressfully anticipating a final solution to the crisis -- misunderstand these communicated vendor brainstorms to be contractual, final solutions that the vendor plans to formally deliver. When the vendor corrects this assumption by stating they were only processing the ideas aloud with the customer present, many times this leads to customer frustration, miscommunicated rumored contractual expectations, or confusion.

Furthermore, the internal honor code of high-risk brainstorming is important to preserve the creativity of your internal vendor team. You do not want unfeasible ideas heard by the customer and then your company negatively judged as incompetent by the customer.

Ironically, unfeasible, impractical, and far-fetched ideas can lead to brilliant, practical vendor crisis solutions for customers. Thus, all brainstorms should be respected and kept among the internal group even if they are implausible, unusual, or borderline manipulative ideas.

Regardless of the ethical level of your brainstormed ideas, your team should only choose to present final ideas that are ethical, moral, and principled for prototyping phases.

Why is this important? Because many high-risk program implementations include games of business politics-- some of which certain personnel have never experienced until they are invited to work within certain business levels."


Stay tuned to for the latest organizational developments on maneuvering high-risk business politics in major technology implementations and other industry implementations that SaTechRo serves!

Sazara R. Johnson, Wiley, Performance Improvement, technology, U.S. Coast Guard, business politics, SaTechRo, Sasha Johnson-Coleman, Natalie Milman, Rodney James, John Eisenschmidt, Norfolk State University, The George Washington University, Layer 7 Data, Agile, NYC, New York City, San Diego, California, Virginia, Journals, Academic, Corporate, Corporation, Business, Design Thinking, Crisis Management

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