One of four articles published in the February 2019 issue of Performance Improvement: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pfi.21803
Maneuvering Games of Business Politics with Design Thinking by SaTechRo's Chief Director Sazara R. Johnson, debuted on February 11, 2019. It presents advice from Johnson and industry experts such as Wiley College's Assistant Vice Provost Dr. Sasha Johnson-Coleman, George Washington University's Director of Educational Technology Leadership Dr. Natalie Milman, Chief Technology Officer of Layer 7 Data Solutions Rodney James, and Agile expert John Eisenschmidt.
In this current era of crisis management, organizations such as the NFL, the NBA, the U.S. Navy, Uber, Fox, Weinstein Co., Equifax, Yahoo, Hilton, Target, and the U.S. federal government are dealing with internal and public crises. For example, we have seen take-a-knee social activism, naval ship accidents, sexual harassment cases, and security breaches. In these crisis situations, BEP Techs and design thinking are critical resources for business entities, decision makers, leaders, managers, and high performing specialists seeking to maneuver high-risk games of business politics mainly in large organizational initiatives.
In the article, Johnson documents her experiences working on a high-risk and high profile case prior to 2017. She also interviewed industry experts to discuss solutions to maneuvering games of business politics. Advice ranged from crisis detection vs. customer appreciation, the "stupid question" syndrome, glocal influence, and contractual maneuvers as a reprieve from business games.
Maneuvering Games of Business Politics with Design Thinking is available on John C. Wiley & Son's digital platform at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/pfi.21803.
February 27, 2019
Read more of Sazara R. Johnson's industry articles at: