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Decreasing Miscommunication Among Ranks Is Imperative

There are many ways that we advise Decision Makers, Leaders, Managers, and Operational Teams during technology implementations or other major organizational changes.

One of these ways is by decreasing miscommunication between leaders and employees through communication strategies and interventions.

Many times during organizational changes, miscommunication is pervasive, because multiple levels of stakeholders (including employees) equate to multiple levels of:

  • business language

  • language interpretations

  • language translations

In these cases, people believe that they are speaking the same business language just because they are using the same words. On the contrary, words have different meanings for stakeholders working within different levels of business.

Although some of our business educators serve as IT trainers, instructional designers, and eLearning developers for technology implementations; we also provide business educators who conduct communication management and strategic planning to help you convey your organization's message to operational teams. We also help operational teams convey their message to your strategic management teams.

Remember, as business educators, we have spent many years working in the trenches with people. We understand field work and needs. We, also, understand the needs of leadership teams and the business as a whole entity.

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